Avatar Farms

Your complete guide to farming

My Livestock

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Avatar Farms >My Livestock

In the farm Ducks can be a great addition to our daily needs. They lay large eggs about as regularly as chickens. Duck eggs are excellent for baking, boil and fry! Ducks don’t require a tons of room, don’t make a ton of noise, and can often fit right in with your existing chicken set up. But ducks need to have access to water that is deep enough for them to dip their head in. They need to be able to dip their head in the water to clean & keep their nostrils moist, to clean their eyes, and to mix their food with their water for digestion. Not like traditional chicken water fonts because their bills won’t adequately fit in the small font opening. They can use nipple water systems, but they will still need to have a bowl of fresh, clean water available for cleaning & eating.

In general chicken and ducks can stay together. Ducks stay in the ground level area to sleep while the chicken sleep in the basket, or higher steep ramp.

Feeding the ducks
Feeding the chickens